Wijzigingen bij beoscoop. De lesbrieven staan niet meer volledig op de site.
"Het lesmateriaal biedt volop aanknopingspunten voor gesprekken en discussies met leerlingen en studenten." De Pers over beo: CNV Schooljournaal |
Theater: Hopelijk later dit jaar nog op veel plaatsen te zien. |
***** Elephant, Gus vanSant Moodysson, USA 2003 Kijk onder 'Lesbrieven' |
beo raadt aan: | ||||||||||||||||||
die Wand; Fatih Akin. Gouden Beer, Berlijn 2004 |
Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 al gezien? | ||||||||||||||||||
(engelstalig) Ga dan eens kijken
hoe de Amerikanen hun 'toenemend
gevoel van onveiligheid'
aanpakken. No FEAR!?? Bezoek de website: www.michaelmoore.com Synopsis. "Bowling for Columbine" was the first documentary film accepted into competition at the Cannes Film Festival in 46 years. The Cannes jury unanimously awarded it the 55th Anniversary Prize. From a look at the Columbine High School security camera tapes to the home of Oscar-winning NRA President Charlton Heston, from a young man who makes homemade napalm with The Anarchist's Cookbook to the murder of a six-year-old girl by another six-year-old, "Bowling for Columbine" is a journey through America, and through our past, hoping to discover why our pursuit of happiness is so riddled with violence.
of Fear ***** |